Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga
Ata & Oho
Talking about what’s going on inside can be hard, especially for kids. Oho and Ata safely facilitate tricky conversations, enhance mana and make the kōrero fun, mō te orangatanga o tā tātou uri.

Te Tāhūhū
Ministry of Education
Chrome Toaster
Social and Emotional Learning Resources
Education and Learning
Research, Design
Ata & Oho was awarded a silver pin for the Public Good Award at the 2022 Best Design Awards in Aotearoa, NZ

Te Wero
Navigating the transition from childhood through to adulthood can present many challenges, experiences and opportunities for young people. These experiences can impact their emotional and psychological patterns at this time and stay constant throughout their adult life.
Research conducted by Ministry of Education explained that Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) improves achievement and increases prosocial behaviours (such as kindness, sharing and empathy), improves learner attitudes toward school, reduces depression and stress among learners, and improves learners’ academic performance.
Teachers needed an inclusive learning resource that nurture their languages, identities, cultures, social, emotional and cognitive skills in order to support their students to develop key strategies to support their own wellbeing.

He Whakatika
We worked with Chrome Toaster to bring together a team of experts in kaupapa Māori, wellbeing, education, psychology and cultural design to create groundbreaking resources that are critical tools in the government's Te Tiriti o Waitangi-led response to support social and emotional learning.
Children and young people learn best when they feel accepted and connected, enjoy positive relationships with friends and teachers, and are active, visible members of their learning community.
The Ata and Oho resource collections put inclusion at the heart of all learning. Inclusive teaching encourages models and explores inquiry, curiosity, fairness, social justice, honesty, responsibility and acting ethically. It fosters character qualities in our tamariki of joy, happiness, love, excitement and humility.
We used a bicultural and inclusive approach that brought together design thinking, user experience design and wānanga, the co-design team developed these resources for teachers to use with learners in various ways and contexts.
Oho and Ata make it easier for teachers to notice and respond to Social and Emotional Learning — using two of the key competencies from The New Zealand Curriculum, Relating to others and Managing self.

Te Whaihanga
Incorporating Te Ao Māori concepts.
When it came to developing the packaging we were inspired by the traditional forms of treasure boxes such as waka huia and papa hou as a way to replicate the essence of storing precious items safely.
The intricate illustrations are treasures in their own right, they are indicative of the rich and rewarding journeys that the resources inside can enable.
The Oho resources help ākonga build awareness of their whakapapa and develop a stronger sense of identity and belonging.
The Ata Collection is a companion collection of activities for teaching and learning social and emotional skills, knowledge and strategies to help ākonga build awareness of themselves and others.

Te Whakamana
Ata & Oho was awarded a silver pin in both the Public Good and Toitanga categories at New Zealand’s premier design awards, The Best Awards 2022 Best Design Awards in Aotearoa, NZ
Oho and Ata make it easier for teachers to notice and respond to Social and Emotional Learning — using two of the key competencies from The New Zealand Curriculum, Relating to others and Managing self.
They have empowered educators to make teaching and learning decisions that help ākonga realise their potential through mana-enhancing, socially located and culturally sustaining ways.